Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bush loyalist and top aide Scotty McClellan: White House ran a culture of deception

New book by Former White House Press Secretary, Scotty McClellan:
“What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington’s Culture of Deception”

This excellent inside source, Bush staffer observed the way Bush used propaganda to deliberately lie to the American people about the Iraq War. On the war, McClellan remarked:

"the decision to invade Iraq was a serious strategic blunder. ... What I do know is that war should only be waged when necessary, and the Iraq war was not necessary.”

He further confirmed the story that the
NYT broke in April, that Bush used lies in the form of carefully crafted propaganda to sell the war.

He commented that the tone of the presidency was set by:
"...decisions President Bush had made, including, first and foremost, the failure to be open and forthright on Iraq and rushing to war with inadequate planning and preparation for its aftermath.”

To anyone who is remotely aware of the repeated pattern of deception that has marked the way the Bush White House has operated, none of this would come a s a surprise... (except maybe for those whose awareness doesn't extend beyond American Idol).

UPDATE: McClellan's book is a #1 best seller on Amazon with a 3 week waiting list.


Anonymous said...


I am constantly reminded of the "dome of deceptiveness" that all of these people were forced to live under when they were taking a check from Bushco. Scottie doggie's memory is crystal clear now that he's putting it down in a form that will make him some money. Asshole.


Anonymous said...


Re: Update.

It's good to see that the "confessional" is still a tried and true moneymaker for lying scumbags like Scottydog.
