Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Conservative ignorance on parade: Terry Frank calls the world's foremost climate lab models: "a fortune telling circus"

In an effort to educate, I posted a link to the following graph of global warming projections. Terry Frank responded:
"Get lost. And take your fortune telling circus with you. Oops. I mean your climate models."
Here they are, the world's foremost climate labs that produced the supercomputer climate models that Terry Frank calls "a fortune telling circus."

Who do you suppose knows more about climate science? The wingnut deniers like Terry Frank, or the world's foremost climate labs?

Center for Climate System Research - Japan
National Institute for Environmental Studies - Japan
Canadian Center for Climate Modelling and Analysis - Canada
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Australia
Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research- England
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory- USA
Max Planck Institute für Meteorologie - Germany
National Center for Atmospheric Research- USA

Interestingly, current data shows these global warming projections to be conservative as many climate scientists stated in my last post on the subject.

I guess though, you’ll always have people like Terry Frank who obviously don’t understand the science and argue on the basis of energy industry agendas, lock step conservative ideology, or fear of gov’t control and sacrifice. What it's really about for these simple minded people is a perpetuation of the "war on Gore" or more specifically, the "war on liberals." The ironic thing is that I was agreeing with Terry, is so far as I believe that the climate change process is already underway and there is very little mankind can do about it, particularly in the short term.

(click graphs to enlarge)


Joe said...

As you know, reality has a well-known liberal bias. :)

Anonymous said...

My mama is appalled by the clobal warming trends, and believe me, she's not the most hippie-crunchy person ever, that's my dad that's the hippie-crunchy type. But Mom's talking recycling and carpooling and driving a car that has a smaller engine- you know it's serious now.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure that Ms. Frank does not to beautify her troubled mind with genuine data.


Litzz11@yahoo.com said...

Terry Frank wouldn't know her ass from a hole in the ground.

Just sayin' ...

Anonymous said...

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